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16 Cornhole Tips To Help You Get Better

A game of cornhole is always a good time, especially on a hot summer’s day, with some friends and a drink in hand.

But how can you make the game better?

By following some helpful cornhole tips and improving your skills – you will really impress your friends and family the next time you play.

If you already know how to play the game, then the path to becoming a professional cornhole player can be a pretty quick and easy one.

Not only will you look super cool showing off your new-found skills from these helpful cornhole tips, but you will also have bragging rights!

The Best Cornhole Tips

The following are some cornhole tips that can help you master the game and become a much better player, from discovering your dominant side to knowing how to hold the bag and stand on the opposite foot.

friends playing cornhole

1. Stop Overthinking

When playing this amazing game, overthinking is the true enemy of success.

Although cornhole is a game of strategy, victory ultimately depends on instinct and game expertise.

You will miss your shot if you waste all your time worrying and overanalyzing each play.

Instead, try concentrating on the technique of your throws and observing your opponent’s plays.

2. “Relax, take it easy”

You must first calm your body. Your game will suffer if you are anxious and tense.

So it’s a great idea to take a deep breath and do something relaxing before a game.

Have fun, and try your best to play cornhole without putting too much pressure on yourself.

3. Get In Line

You should try to position your body on a diagonal line on the side that is opposite from your dominant hand in order to align it with the board.

If you are right-handed, for instance, you ought to stand on the left side of the board.

This method can improve your shot accuracy and boost your chances of scoring.

4. Proper Body Form

Using proper form when you throw is another important strategy you should employ.

Paying attention to appropriate technique is crucial in every game and sport.

Good form is always important.

Good throwing form includes:

  • Slightly bent knees
  • The opposite leg to your dominant hand should be planted forwards
  • Lean forward while throwing
  • Flowy and loose movements

The sort of throw you are performing will ultimately affect the way you hold your body.

The majority of players will benefit from these suggestions.

Still, ultimately, you should do what feels more comfortable and what works best for you and brings you more success.

5. Proper Footing

You must also line up with the board with the proper foot.

Before throwing, try to position your foot across from your stronger hand forward.

If you are left-handed, for instance, your right foot must be firmly planted in front of you.

When you throw the bag towards the hole, this action will assist in maintaining balance.

6. Understand The Throw Types

There are numerous well-known plays in cornhole.

The finest plays to employ if you want to succeed in a game of cornhole are the following:

Amazing throwing techniques to use during a cornhole game:

  • Slider: This move involves tossing the bag so that it hits the board, and the bags slide into the opening, scoring a point.
  • Airmail: In this technique, you aim directly for the hole on cornhole boards when throwing and using an arc to fling the bag. This move is quite difficult to perfect.
  • Push: A push shot is when you throw in such a way as to move one of your own bags into the hole or push your opponent’s bag out of the way.
  • Blocker: You use this shot to block your opponent’s shots by tossing your bag onto the playing surface. This stops their bag from sliding into the hole.

7. Throw Flat

As a Cornhole player, it is essential that you throw your cornhole bag as flat as you can.

Your bag should look like a frisbee gliding through the air.

The flatter the bag, the more success you’ll have in scoring.

This also makes cornhole bags easier to control.

8. Finger Positions

Knowing where to place your fingers or cornhole bags is crucial.

The way in which you hold your bag determines how accurate your throw will be and if you’ll score.

Your thumb must press down on the very top of the bag when holding it, and all of your other fingers should be pressing upwards on the bottom part.

women by cornhole board

9. Flat Spin

When throwing your cornhole bags, it is best to put a bit of a spin on them.

This spin will take your bag to its preferred destination in a very controlled manner.

10. Don’t Spin End Over End

When throwing your bag, it is crucial that you stop it from flip-flopping through the air.

If your bag does this, you will likely miss the hole and look like a fool (kidding).

But you have no control over the bag when this happens, which is why it is best to let it sail through the air.

11. Throw With An Arc

To see the best results, it is recommended to throw your bag with a bit of an arc.

By doing so, your bag has a better chance of going into the hole or hitting the board and sliding in.

Using an arch is a great way of getting the bag where you want it to be.

12. Have A Level Board

A level cornhole board is essential.

This is mainly because most players rely on a perfectly sloped board to make great shots.

And if the board becomes way too sloped, your toss will be pointless as bags will just slide off, making the game a lot harder than it needs to be.

The way you play is important, but so is your setup. So always make sure that your board is level.

13. Know Your Surface

When setting everything up for your cornhole game, you need to understand that not every surface is the same.

It is always better to set the game up on some grass as it provides a bit of a bounce when the bags hit the cornhole board.

If you do not have a grass surface available, then hard surfaces will do.

However, your shots will hit a bit more challenging as there is no soft grass that can absorb the shock from all of your throws.

14. Practice Makes Perfect

When it comes to playing cornhole, or any other sport for that matter, practice makes perfect.

The best way to improve your skills and get good at the game is to play it on a regular basis.

The best thing about cornhole is that you can easily practice making your shots.

It is also an amazing family game, so you should easily be able to round up some family or friends to practice the game with you.

15. Balance Is Key

You need to find balance when holding your bag.

Avoid gripping the bag too loosely and too tightly, as both can lead to playing badly.

If you don’t put enough pressure on the bag, it can easily fly out of your hand before you are even ready.

While holding on too tightly can lead to the bag flying off of its course.

16. Don’t Let Others Get In Your Head

It is easy to psych yourself out during a very heated game of cornhole, especially when playing with an opponent who likes to trash talk.

Keep the mood fun and light, and just ignore them.

Otherwise, you will start doubting yourself, and it will affect your game badly.

Final Thoughts

Cornhole is a pretty easy game, but we always want to be the best, so why not practice some of these tips and beat your opponents (friends) the next time you play a round?

You will be the coolest kid on the board!

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